Our mission | To #MakeSickleCellPopular by increasing awareness, educating, and advocating for long term changes for the SCD population of Nevada to improve Equity and access to care for those affected by SCD and other Rare Diseases while also addressing health disparities. |
Impact story |
Board Positions | Board Member – Marketing/EventsThe board member responsible for marketing and events brings to the organization deep and broad experience in the oversight of marketing and events that produce immediate and direct results for an organization’s bottom line. This board member should both be able to roll up their sleeves, but also is able to see the big picture of the impact of marketing and events. Board Member – HRThe board member responsible for human resources provides oversight to the organization’s leadership in six main areas: hiring, workplace policies, compensation, evaluation, grievances/whistleblowing and layoffs. The key aspect of the role is around human-resource governance, while implementation is the responsibility of the organization’s leaders.Board Member – FinanceThe board member responsible for finance should have experience in budgeting, real estate, investments, operating a business, banking, accounting (specific knowledge of nonprofit accounting and generally accepting accounting practices) in order to provide overall guidance in the area of financial planning and resource utilization. |
DreamsiCkle Kids
Ways to help | Court Ordered ServiceCourt Ordered Service is available. Contact us for more details. |
About us | The purpose of the organization is to increase Awareness, celebrate, educate and support families impacted by Sickle Cell Disease and now all Rare Diseases in Nevada, while also educating medical providers and the community on the affects of this debilitating disease. Dreamsickle Kids partners with many organizations and individuals to elevate Sickle Cell Awareness in the state of Nevada and across the United States. Being the pioneer of advocacy for this rare disease in Nevada, Dreamsickle Kids has been tasked with bringing more information and awareness to Nevada to ensure that the Silver State accounts for the needs of all of its citizens, including the small Sickle Cell population. |
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