The 2024 Stars of Nevada-Governor’s Points of Light Awards presented by Caesars Entertainment is Nevada’s signature event that recognizes those exceptional Nevadans who serve their State and communities. The awards are the highest honor bestowed by the Governor of Nevada and Nevada Volunteers to celebrate the individuals and organizations who model Nevada values of service, cooperation and compassion, and the power of partnership. We recognize those who generously donate their time and talents to invest in Nevada’s youth; seniors; military members, veterans, and first responders, and who influence a vibrant future for all Nevadans.
Finalists—in their own words—share their experiences with volunteerism, AmeriCorps national service, military service and veterans’ organizations, community and corporate partnerships. And describe how they channel personal time and talent into service that enriches quality of life for others.
The 2024 Stars of Nevada-Governor’s Points of Light Awards presented by Caesars Entertainment creates an unequaled and memorable experience for honorees, their families and friends, and the stakeholders who support volunteerism and service.
Nomination Information and Eligibility Requirements
Nominations for the 2024 The Stars of Nevada: Governor’s Points of Light Awards event are now closed. Any entries received after May 30th, 2024 will be included in the nomination pool for the 2025 event. Please check back for the link to the 2025 Nominations form at a later date.
Nomination Categories
Individual Volunteer (18 or older)
(An individual volunteer at least 18 years of age who has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in volunteerism and service in Nevada).
Individual Youth Volunteer (under 18)
(An individual under 18 years of age who has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in volunteerism and service in Nevada).
National Service Member
(Any National Service Member serving within AmeriCorps, VISTA, NCCC or AmeriCorps Seniors who has completed a term of service in Nevada in the past year or is on track to complete a term of service in 2022 and who has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in service).
Nonprofit Volunteer Program
(A non-profit or community organization whose volunteer program has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in volunteerism and service in Nevada).
Corporate Volunteer Program
(A business or corporation whose volunteer program has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in volunteerism and service in Nevada).
Volunteer Manager
(Any volunteer manager or administrator who has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in leadership and management of volunteers in Nevada).
Community Leadership
(Any service or volunteer group, faith-based group, civic group and/or family group that has shown extraordinary achievements in their top leadership, community service and collaboration in Nevada).
Collegiate Community Leadership
(Any college organization that has shown extraordinary achievements in their community service and collaboration in Nevada).
Lifetime Achievement
(Any individual who has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in volunteerism and service in Nevada for a period of 20 or more years. Service does not necessarily need to be with the same organization for that period of time but must have been performed in the state of Nevada).
Veterans/Active Military/First Responders
(Active military member(s), veterans, or first responders who have demonstrated extraordinary achievement in their volunteerism in Nevada).
Once the current nomination period is closed, all nominations are reviewed by Nevada Volunteers staff for accuracy and completion.
The nominations are then forwarded to the judging committee which is comprised of representatives from northern, southern and rural Nevada, as well as representatives from nonprofit organizations, corporate business and volunteer management programs. Each nomination is scored and the final scores are submitted to the Judging Chair.
All references are contacted and the top 3 finalists in each category are notified. Nominators of all non-selected finalists are also notified.
2023 The Stars of Nevada: Governor’s Points of Light Awards
2023 Event Photos: Event Photos
2022 Governor’s Points of Light Awards
2022 Event Photos: Google Drive: 2022 Event Photos
2022 Finalists Videos: Google Drive: 2022 Finalist Videos
2021 Governor’s Hybrid Points of Light Awards
The 2021 event featured: Emcee Kendall Tenney, Keynote Speaker Dr. Christina Madison, Founder and CEO of The Public Health Pharmacist, PLLC, National Anthem vocalist Cedric Williams and Governor Steve Sisolak for opening remarks. Meet our 18 incredible finalists below!
2020 Virtual Governor’s Points of Light Awards

Sponsorship and brand association are great ways to demonstrate positive social responsibility to employees, customers, investors and community leaders!
The Stars of Nevada: Governor’s Points of Light is the highest honor bestowed by the Governor of Nevada and Nevada Volunteers to celebrate the individuals and organizations who model Nevada values of service, responsibility, cooperation and compassion, and the power of partnership that makes Nevada a better place to live.
Join us as we celebrate years of honoring Nevada’s outstanding volunteers, nonprofits, volunteer managers, service members, corporate volunteer programs, and military/veteran’s organizations.
*SOLD* Presenting Sponsor- $20,000
Presenting Sponsor, 1 available | $20,000
- Brand signage (consistent with brand standard)
- Brand representative offers welcome
- Reserved table of 10, premium location
- Logo appears in PowerPoint Deck on loop prior to event
- Logo/badge on Sponsor, and Nevada Volunteers website
- Logo appears in PowerPoint Deck during sponsor recognition and brand recognized by emcee
- Brand featured in social media posts monthly from contract signing (up to 8 months)
- Full page ad in program (5″ x 8″)
- Brand recognized in media releases (up to 4 between contract signing and event)
- Brand invited to any press appearances prior to and day of event
- Ticket to Finalist Reception
- Commemorative photo taken with honorees
Platinum Sponsor - $10,000
Platinum Sponsor, limited number available | $10,000
- Brand signage (consistent with brand standard)
- Reserved table of 10, premium location
- Logo appears in PowerPoint Deck on loop prior to event
- Logo/badge on Sponsor, and Nevada Volunteers website
- Logo appears in PowerPoint Deck during sponsor recognition and brand recognized by emcee
- Brand featured in social media posts monthly from contract signing (up to 5 months)
- Half page ad in program (5″x 4″)
- Brand recognized in media releases (up to 2 between contract signing and event)
- Ticket to Finalist Reception
- Commemorative photo taken with honorees
Finalist Reception Sponsor - $7,500
Finalist Reception Sponsor, 1 available | $7,500
- Reserved table of 10
- Logo/badge on Sponsor, and Nevada Volunteers website
- Logo appears in PowerPoint Deck during sponsor recognition and brand recognized by emcee
- Half page ad in program (5” x 4”)
- Signage “Finalist Reception hosted by “Brand”
- Representatives welcome and mingle with finalists and Commissioners prior to event
- Recognition in social media posts
- Commemorative photo taken with honorees
Gold Sponsor - $5,000
Gold Sponsor | $5,000
- Receive 5 tickets
- Logo/badge on Sponsor, and Nevada Volunteers website
- Logo appears in PowerPoint Deck during sponsor recognition and brand recognized by emcee
- Brand featured in social media posts monthly from contract signing (up to 3 months)
- Quarter page ad in program (2.5” x 4”)
- Commemorative photo taken with honorees
Silver Sponsor - $3,000
Silver Sponsor | $3,000
- Receive 3 tickets
- Logo/badge on Sponsor, and Nevada Volunteers website
- Logo appears in PowerPoint Deck during sponsor recognition and brand recognized by emcee
- Brand featured in one (1) social media posts
- quarter page ad in program (2.5” x 4”)
- Commemorative photo taken with honorees
Sponsor A Finalist - $1,500
Sponsor a Finalist | $1,500
- Receive 1 ticket
- Logo appears in PowerPoint Deck during sponsor recognition and brand recognized by emcee
- Admission for one representative to Finalist Reception
- Representative welcomes and mingles with finalists and Commissioners prior to event
- Commemorative photo taken with honorees
Questions about sponsorships?: Contact Shannon Arimura
775.825.1900 | shannon@nevadavolunteers.org

Governor’s Volunteer Recognition Certificate
This ongoing certificate process is an avenue for nonprofits, governmental agencies, and faith-based agencies to apply for recognition from the Governor’s Office on behalf of exemplary volunteers that meet the criteria.

Volunteer Recognition Criteria
The criteria for nominations for the Governor’s Volunteer Recognition Certificate includes one or more of the following:
- An Individual has performed a minimum of 200 hours of service in a calendar year;
- Youth (18 years or younger) has performed a minimum of 100 hours of service in 12-month period to accommodate school terms;
- An individual has donated to a nonprofit skilled labor or pro bono service valued $10,000 within a five-year period;
- An individual who has taken on a significant leadership role to launch a new or enhanced program, championed innovation, or addressed an unmet organization need within a five year period.
Request a certificate here.
*Note: This Certificate is intended to recognize volunteers delivering direct service. Board members who have performed exceptional board service may be eligible. Please contact Nevada Volunteers with questions at (775) 825-1900 or email shannon@nevadavolunteers.org.
Certification Application Process
A Governor’s Volunteer Recognition Certificate is available at no charge to a Nevada nonprofit, private sector entity, faith-based group, civic organization, or governmental entity. Please allow four-weeks for processing. Holidays may result in additional delays. Nevada Volunteers cannot accommodate emergency requests. A nominal fee of $5.00 will be charged for each lapel pin.
Please provide the following information:
- Name of Requesting Organization
- EIN Number or other proof of legitimate status as a nonprofit or business
- Phone/Mailing Address/Email
- Applicant’s Name
- Volunteer Name and Contact Information
- Description of the way(s) in which the volunteer has fulfilled the criteria
Incomplete applications will result in processing delays.
Service Award Pin
An optional lapel pin is available for a $5.00 fee per pin. Click here to order. Lapel pins will be mailed with the Governor’s Volunteer Recognition Certificate.