The Greenhouse Project

1111 N Saliman Rd, Carson City, NV 89701
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Our missionGrowing, giving and teaching for a healthier, greener, sustainable community.

The Greenhouse Project

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Ways to help


Volunteers from beginners to Master Gardeners, from ages 10-100 with smiling faces are encouraged to come work with us for an hour or a day. Tasks range from harvesting vegetables for donations, pruning flowers, planting seeds, transplanting seedlings and site maintenance to helping to organize our fundraising events.
  • One-time, Occasional
  • Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • None, On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
About usWe will continue to broaden our mission of growing healthful produce for the under-served of our community by furthering our outreach of promoting community gardens, expanding our sponsored flower basket program for downtown corridor beautification, and sharing growing expertise for a vibrant Carson City. The Greenhouse Project will continue to foster cross generational volunteerism and involvement by encouraging collaboration with other civic minded community entities. As our vision expands, jobs will be created to manage additional operations. Funding The Greenhouse Project will be accomplished by procuring permanent, on-going capital resources including grants, donors and sponsors which will carry our vision into the future in a mutually beneficial and socially responsible capacity for the community.
Service Positions

Seasonal Greenhouse Project Crew Member

Host Site Agency Mission: The Greenhouse Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to grow fresh produce for the needy in our community and to teach young people about gardening and horticulture. We manage a greenhouse, hoop houses and outdoor raised beds at a site located behind Carson High School, working with students in agriculture classes, special needs students,

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