Support the Mission Statement of F.I.S.H., actively engage & recruit you and community to participate with F.I.S.H., work as part of a cohesive team with common goals, share skills & expertise, dedicate time to the agency & Board, respect & support the decisions of the Board, volunteer to assist in activities and fundraisers, have no more than 3 consecutive unexcused absences from board meetings,Support the Mission Statement of F.I.S.H., actively engage & recruit you and community to participate with F.I.S.H., work as part of a cohesive team with common goals, share skills & expertise, dedicate time to the agency & Board, respect & support the decisions of the Board, volunteer to assist in activities and fundraisers, have no more than 3 consecutive unexcused absences from board meetings, represent all those whom this organization serves and not a particular geographic area or interest group, remain aware of the activities that are planned & make yourself available to participate, declare conflicts of interest as it pertains to your position on the Board, and do your best to ensure that the F.I.S.H. organization is well-maintained, financially secure, growing and always operating in the best interest of the community.