Practice Page
AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs that empower people to strengthen their communities. Currently, 270,000 members and volunteers serve with AmeriCorps across the nation. It is an opportunity for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to give their time and talent to strengthen communities in the areas of:
What role does Nevada Volunteers play?
Nevada Volunteers is the Governor’s State Commission that oversees AmeriCorps State programs in Nevada. Almost every state and U.S. territory has a commission. We grant $2.9 million dollars in federal funds to organizations in Nevada and then ensure that they are able to meet all grant requirements and goals of their program through training and technical assistance. 420 AmeriCorps members will serve this year in 13 of 17 Nevada Counties. Here is what they will be doing for Nevada:
Types of AmeriCorps Programs
People ages 17+ who want to engage in direct service and mobilizing community volunteers. Activities include: mentoring students, promoting health initiatives, spreading public safety information or beautifying parks and trails.
People ages 18+ with a college degree or employment experience who want to use their skills to increase an organization’s impact. Activities include: addressing poverty-related issues by developing programs and improving nonprofit business practices. VISTAs are self-motivated and are passionate about doing the behind-the-scenes work to empower communities.
People ages 18–24 interested in working in a team environment completing intense projects that respond to regional challenges and needs, such as disaster response. Activities include: training on first aid, CPR, public safety, firefighting and other topics. Members should be willing to relocate throughout the country with their teams for project assignments throughout their service commitment.
Nevada VISTA
AmeriCorps VISTA is a national service program dedicated to ending poverty by building the capacity of nonprofit organizations and public agencies. VISTA attracts more than 7,000 Americans a year to engage in anti-poverty activities in communities throughout the nation. Projects typically last for 3–5 years with VISTA members placed at single or multiple sites.
The Corporation for National and Community Service Nevada State Office oversees AmeriCorps*Vista and Senior Corps programs in Nevada. Contact the CNCS Nevada State Office at 775-784-7474 for more information.
Senior Corps programs tap into the rich experience, skills, and talents of the 55+ population to help meet the needs and challenges of America’s communities. Grants administered through Senior Corps provide funding for three programs:
Foster Grandparents
As a Foster Grandparent, you’re a role model, a mentor, and a friend. Serving at one of thousands of local organizations, you help children learn to read, provide one-on-one tutoring, and guide children at a critical time in their lives.
Senior Companion Program
By becoming a Senior Companion to a frail person, you help that person stay in their own home. You’ll make a difference in a variety of ways that strengthens and helps preserve an individual’s independence.
With RSVP you choose how and where you want to serve, and whether you want to draw on your skills or develop new ones.

The Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation Student Stewards AmeriCorps Program is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), standards-based curriculum that uses citizen science to engage kids with their local parks. This program introduces students to the importance of STEM fields and to the ever-growing opportunities in STEM jobs. This year TMPF will place 46 AmeriCorps member who will teach citizen science-based education programs using public lands as learning laboratories in Washoe County and Carson City increasing the academic engagement of more than 1,200 opportunity youth.
Learn more about Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation
Contact Program Director Devin Genovese to apply year round,
ReInvent Schools Las Vegas AmeriCorps Program focuses on academic achievement, expanded learning, wraparound services, and family and community engagement in the communities surrounding underperforming urban core schools. This year the program will place 64 AmeriCorps members to serve in Pre-K, Elementary and High schools to provide mentorship to students where more than 500 children will receive academic, social-emotional and chronic absenteeism support, as well as nutrition education to ensure future success in school and in life for Nevada children. In addition, AmeriCorps members will strategically provide support to high-needs communities helping them navigate resources and providing financial and employment readiness interventions.
Learn more about ReInvent Schools
Contact Program Director Brandi Catlin to apply,
The Nevada Outdoor School AmeriCorps Program is a community development program that provides professional and life-skills training for community members, and collaborations for best practices to increase the overall outreach of rural nonprofits. Nevada Outdoor School’s AmeriCorps State program will places 22 full-time, part-time, and summer AmeriCorps members members at organizations throughout northern Nevada to serve as mentors, naturalists, and outreach assistants supporting senior citizens. Members engage the community in understand their public lands, supporting the most vulnerable members of their communities, and they leverage more than 550 volunteers to help them reach these goals each year.
Learn more and apply year round at Nevada Outdoor School
Program Director Zulma Mayorga,
Nevada Statewide Coalition Partnership places 27 members who support health needs to deliver services in local communities, many of which are rural. AmeriCorps members serve statewide in the hardest to reach communities helping connect people to resources including resources to improve, among many other things: nutritional education, physical wellness and diabetes prevention. Members will provide direct services including partnering with coalitions, local schools, senior centers and the like.
Learn More about Nevada Statewide Coalition Partnership
Contact Program Director Sofia Cano-Allison to apply,
Great Basin Institute’s Nevada Conservation Corps harnesses the energy and idealism of youth to meet the needs of Nevada public lands and communities. This year NCC will place 175 AmeriCorps members through the state of Nevada. Because of their service 3000 acres of Nevada land will be improved supporting burned area restoration efforts on public lands and mitigating the threat of future wildland fires.
Learn more or apply year round to serve at Nevada Conservation Corps
Program Director Scott Scherbinski,
The Walker Basin Conservancy’s AmeriCorps Program accomplishes important conservation projects on Nevada’s public lands, balancing agricultural interests, wildlife habitat, and recreational use within the Walker Basin. AmeriCorps Members will learn conservation principles and develop new skills while conducting native plant revegetation to improve wildlife habitat, removing invasive species for the protection of the local ecosystem, and reducing instream sedimentation through streambank stabilization projects.
Learn more and apply year round at Walker Basin Conservancy
Program Director Miguel Gonzales,</p
AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technicians with Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation are serving their community through habitat restoration, increasing availability of open space for community members, and providing educational opportunities to the public. This is being accomplished through the removal of invasive plant species, the establishment of native vegetation, trail and bridge rehabilitation, educational and interpretive sign development, and community events. The restoration area, which is currently closed to the public, will be opened and allow for increased, free recreational opportunities for the Reno/Sparks area and its visitors. This project would not be possible without the selfless dedication of AmeriCorps members.
Learn more about Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation
Contact Program Director Elena Larsen to apply year round,
AmeriCorps Members serving in the Clark County AmeriCorps 4-H Grows Here Project (4-H Grows) at the University of Nevada, Reno, Extension reach youth ages 5-19, first-generation college-going, low-income families and communities of color in urban Las Vegas, NV, with a special focus on reaching middle school youth. Youth participants in 4-H Grows will develop timely and relevant skills and abilities in important areas including STEM by engaging in hands-on, learn-by-doing 4-H classes, projects, and activities. 4-H Grows utilizes an evidence-based approach to develop essential soft skills through identity development and self-understanding. The approach of addressing both STEM and soft skills is an effort to meet the demands of the future workforce and economy in which youth will engage, but more importantly to develop globally-minded critical thinkers who are able to adapt to an ever-changing world. Youth will be equipped to successfully attend, persist, and complete some form of post-secondary education, and ultimately, the opportunity for upward mobility.
Learn More about 4-H Grows Here Project
Program Director, Anel Rojas at
United Readers AmeriCorps program is design to support the literacy acquisition and Kindergarten readiness skills into order to improve third grade reading scores. Members serving in the Early Childhood Mentor positions will serve children 0-5 and their families providing literacy and kindergarten readiness skills using pre-determined lesson plans in groups of eight families at a time throughout the year. Early childhood mentors will also provide recorded services and one-on-one sessions with families who live in rural areas or who are unable to attend family session. In-School Mentors will provide literacy acquisition and reading fluency services using predetermined lesson plans during school hours with K-3 students who are identified by classroom teachers and literacy specialists as in need of extra reading supports. After School Mentors will provide extra and extended day literacy and reading fluency support services using predetermined lesson plans to K-3 students enrolled in afterschool programs.
Program Director, Krystal Hoefling:
AmeriCorps members will serve as Education Specialists at Opportunity Village. They will spend their time both developing and facilitating curriculum for persons with intellectual and related disabilities, in order to increase their job readiness.
Program Director, Jake Gigar at

Member Resources
How to use your Education Award
National Resources Page
My AmeriCorps Portal
National Service Hotline: 1-800-942-2677
Nevada LeaderCorps
Professional Development
AmeriCorps alumni have a unique opportunity to share their experience, knowledge, and resources. Here are a few options available to you after AmeriCorps:
Stay Connected with Fellow Alums
AmeriCorps alumni are bound together by a common commitment to service and a desire to participate as active members in their communities. Interested in starting an AmeriCorps Alumni chapter in your area? Contact Charli Bruce at
- Join AmeriCorps Alums, the official organization for AmeriCorps alumni created by alums, for alums.
- Join AmeriCorps Alums Nevada Chapter on Facebook
- Participate in the AmeriCorps Facebook.
- Follow Volunteerism and AmeriCorps in Nevada through Nevada Volunteers on Facebook and Twitter.
- Follow AmeriCorps on Twitter.
- Check out the CNCS AmeriCorps Alumni page
Join AmeriCorps Again
We want you back! Your experience and commitment to service add value to AmeriCorps programs throughout the United States. And you can serve as a role model or leader for new members: your experience could make you eligible to serve with AmeriCorps NCCC as a team leader or to coordinate several AmeriCorps VISTA members.
- Join AmeriCorps again
Advance Your Education / The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award
Congress established the National Service Trust to provide a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award for members who successfully complete service in AmeriCorps. You can use your Segal AmeriCorps Education Award to pay education costs at qualified institutions of higher education, for educational training, or to repay qualified student loans. You can take up to seven years after your term of service has ended to claim the award.
- View a list of colleges and universities that match the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award
Champion AmeriCorps
AmeriCorps Alums are encouraged to share their story and voice for a prosperous future for AmeriCorps. There are a variety of ways to get involved.
- Learn about the Voices for National Service Coalition
Thank you for your interest in learning more about starting a program!
Who can apply to host an AmeriCorps program?
How do I know if AmeriCorps is a good fit for my organization?
- Could your organization use at least 10 people to engage in direct service in your community?
- Does your organization manage federal grants or are you interested in support from Nevada Volunteers to start?
- Is your organization able to provide 24% match funds to your grant? (For example if you receive a grant of $75,000 from Nevada Volunteers you will need to match it with $18,000 for a total project budget of $93,000)
What are the next steps?
- Please reach out to Alicia Blood,, 775-825-1900, to discuss how AmeriCorps can help your organization expand its mission
- Watch our Intro to AmeriCorps webinar to learn if AmeriCorps might be a good fit for your organization
- View the AmeriCorps Nevada FY21 Application Timeline for programs starting September 1, 2020
- Sign-up and be the first to learn about Notices of Funding Opportunities and information sessions by Subscribing to our Newsletter
- Learn about existing Nevada State AmeriCorps Programs
- Read the Program Director Handbook to learn more about daily operations of an AmeriCorps Program
Current and Most Recent Funding Opportunities
Training/Technical Assistance
Recorded Webinars
- Understanding AmeriCorps & Determining Organizational Fit
- Understanding the Important Program Design Elements that are a part of the AmeriCorps Application
- Understanding the Full Narrative and Performance Measure Elements and Requirements
- Understanding and Creating Your AmeriCorps Budget
- Best Practices in Demonstrating Evidence
- Best Practices in Writing and Evaluation Plan
Webinar Resources
- CNCS Fact Sheet AmeriCorps
- Resource List Prohibited Activities
- Best Practices in Writing an Evaluation Plan Handout
- Webinar #1 PowerPoint:
Understanding AmeriCorps and Determining Organizational Fit - Webinar #2 PowerPoint:
Understanding the Important Design Elements that are a part of the AmeriCorps Application - Webinar #3 PowerPoint:
Understanding the Full Narrative and Performance Measure Elements and Requirements - Webinar #4 PowerPoint:
Understanding and Creating your AmeriCorps Budget - PowerPoint
Best Practices in Demonstrating Evidence - PowerPoint
Best Practices in Writing and Evaluation Plan
Previous Funding Opportunities
2021 Fall Competitive NOFO
- 2021 Fall Competitive NOFO(CLOSED December 18, 2020)Additional Documents
2021 Spring Formula Grants NOFO
2020 Formula Planning Grant NOFO
National Direct Applicants and Multi-state AmeriCorps National Direct applicants who intend to place members in Nevada are reminded that they must consult with Nevada Volunteers regarding these intended placements before submitting their application. Nevada Volunteers has opted into the ASC National Direct Consultation process and therefore, consultation forms for national direct applicants should be submitted to:
National Direct applicants are encouraged to contact Nevada Volunteers outside of this link with initial information about potential member placements in Nevada by emailing Nevada Volunteers at and include in the subject line “National Direct Consultation” or by calling 775.825.1900. This will allow the National Direct applicant to meet its obligation to provide information that connects the proposed activities to the current State Service Plan for Nevada.
Not ready to host a program but want to be included? Apply to be a peer reviewer for our grant application period!
Nevada Volunteers, the Governor’s Commission on Service, is currently seeking a diverse group of people to serve as Peer Reviewers to assess and score the quality of Nevada AmeriCorps State applications.
What is Peer Review?
Peer Reviewers assist Nevada Volunteers in reviewing and scoring submitted AmeriCorps State applications for Nevada. Peer Reviewer comments and ratings are then considered in decisions that determine how AmeriCorps resources will be distributed to support organizations and partnerships in addressing critical needs throughout Nevada.
Why participate?
Participation in Peer Review is an excellent opportunity for professional development and service. Peer Reviewers will engage in the grantmaking process of a major funder of community service, while networking with others across a variety of professions.
Am I qualified?
Peer Review is open to a wide range of people with varying experience and backgrounds. The following are things that will be beneficial if you choose to apply to be a Peer Reviewer:
- Experience with AmeriCorps and/or the nonprofit sector
- Experience with grant writing or grant review (or an interest in gaining experience)
- Knowledge and/or experience in a field related to the application priority areas (health, human services, disaster/emergency services, environment, education, veterans affairs, economic opportunity)
- Ability to independently review 5-6 applications over a two-week period (approx. 2 hrs. per application)
- Live or work in the state of Nevada
Peer Review FAQs

Laws & Regulations Governing AmeriCorps
- National and Community Service Act of 1990
- National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993
- Kennedy Serve America Act Summary
- 45 CFR
- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
- AmeriCorps Terms and Conditions
- 2016 AmeriCorps Branding and Messaging Guidance
- CNCS Living Allowance Distribution FAQ
- CNCS Knowledge Network
Program Management Resources
- 2021-2022 Monitoring Plan
- Grantee Audit Tool 21-22
- FY21 Reporting Requirements for Low and Mid-Risk Programs
- FY21 Reporting Requirements for New and High-Risk Programs
- Key Concepts of Grants and Financial Management
- AC Member Position Description Member Assignment Listing Guidance
- NSCHC On-Line Training
- Slot Enrollment Worksheet
- Data Collection Plan
- Checklist for New AmeriCorps Programs
- AmeriCorps Performance Measurement
- eGrants
- eGrants FAQs
- CNCS eGrants Resources
- Enrolling, Exiting and Suspending Members
- OnCorps
- Host Site Agreement Sample
Member Management Resources
Regulations Governing AmeriCorps
Nevada Volunteers believes in the power of service as a solution to many of Nevada’s unmet needs. Becoming part of the National Service Network can bring opportunities for your organization and the community you serve, however, it also brings significant responsibilities for your organization. This Grantee Resources page provides quick links to important forms and a comprehensive Program Director Handbook. The handbooks provides a broad overview of AmeriCorps while highlighting basic components and rules to support you in having an understanding of the complexities of running an AmeriCorps program. It is meant to serve as a guide for those who administer an AmeriCorps program in Nevada. However, the information contained in this manual does not include all the legal requirements you are responsible for once you have accepted an AmeriCorps grant. Program directors or individuals with particular questions should consult the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12501 et seq.), the regulations issued under the Act (45 C.F.R. § 2500.1 et. seq.), the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, the AmeriCorps Grant Provisions and Grants Policy guidance, and relevant state law and regulations. If there is a conflict between the content of this resource manual and the AmeriCorps provisions, the provisions are the controlling authority.