225 N Willow St, Mesquite, NV 89027
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Our missionTo share information on women’s achievements and multicultural issues that will help improve the quality of life of women and men in the greater Mesquite area.

Women’s History and Culture Center

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Ways to help

Conditional Court Ordered Service

Court Ordered Service is available on a conditional basis. Contact us for more details.
  • 16-18, Adults (18+)
  • One-time, Recurring
  • None, On-site
  • Individuals
  • In-person

Attend a Volunteer Meeting to learn more

Come to one of our volunteer meetings to see if volunteering for us is right for you. Volunteer meetings typically take place the 4th Friday of each month at 3pm with a tour beforehand at 2:30. Contact us for details about our meetings.
  • Occasional, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays
How you helpOur calendar has featured many events, classes, seminars and presentations. Some are: Unveiling the beautiful mural in our shared parking area, the People’s Walk, Girls in Aviation Day at McCarran Airport, MAX Meditation Class, Energy Wellness Class, Pet Bereavement and Grief Counseling Class, Fitness for Fun series, Settlers talks, Library displays, Proclamations for momentous days remembering women’s accomplishments. We’ve hosted tea parties, games, Scouting projects, and more. Classes are led by many capable instructors, volunteers and community partners. More classes, and a book club, remain on the horizon!
About usAt the Center, you will see how the roles of women have changed through the centuries with our book display shelves that hold over 700 books. There are stories depicting women in Military, Science, Arts, Industry, Medicine, Technology, Legal, Fashion, Photography, Sports and many other fields. The stories are fascinating, not just for what these women accomplished, but for how they overcame obstacles and went on to follow their dreams.
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