Our mission | Friends of Nevada Wilderness is dedicated to preserving all qualified Nevada public lands as wilderness, protecting all present and potential wilderness from ongoing threats, informing the public about the values of and need for wilderness, and restoring and improving the management of wild lands. |
Friends of Nevada Wilderness- Southern Chapter
Ways to help | Court Ordered ServiceCourt Ordered Service is available. Contact us for more details.Outreach VolunteersVolunteer to represent Friends of Nevada Wilderness at outreach events in your community, or volunteer to help us around the office!Outdoor VolunteerWe have volunteer opportunities for every skill level, ranging from getting out on the ground and pulling fence, picking up trash, naturalizing old roads, planting seedlings, monitoring wilderness, and yanking invasive plants. |
How you help | One day of volunteering can make a difference that lasts a lifetime! Volunteers get to work with others to heal our wild places. These trips are fun, rewarding, and can be a great way to meet new Friends. All volunteers are welcome! |
About us | Because wilderness areas cannot protect themselves, Friends of Nevada Wilderness works with volunteers on the ground to help monitor and restore these special wild places. Working together with all Nevadans, we find the common ground needed to protect our wildland heritage. We share the values and vision of wilderness with the general public, civic organizations and clubs, land managers and elected officials. You can find us tabling and talking with potential new supporters at community events, trailheads, local businesses, farmer's markets, and more. |
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