950 E Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89104
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Our missionTo impact communities by providing on-site access to programs, education, housing and wellness organizations that ensure citizens, young and old, can live productive, healthy and whole lives.

City Impact Center

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About usThe CIC main facility opened its doors in June of 2008 in response to the increasing challenge of creating a safe and positive environment that would foster social interaction and personal development for local children, individuals and families. The campus has been transformed into a multi-dimensional community complex that provides desperately needed services to low-income individuals. We have a charter school on campus for grades 6-12, free child and adult medical clinics, a full-service food bank providing packaged foods, fresh produce and meat/milk products and prepared meals, senior affordable housing, an urban garden, and adult classes which include HSE, ELA, Workforce and Computer Training.
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