Our mission | To implement programs and services that enrich the lives of children in need in the Las Vegas community. |
Impact stories |
Assistance League of Las Vegas
Ways to help | Desert Sage Auxiliary VolunteerDesert Sage Auxiliary provides an opportunity for those who wish to give service to the community but have limited weekday hours to volunteer. Volunteer opportunities are available on Saturdays and meetings are held on the first Tuesday evening of each month.Assisteens® Auxiliary VolunteerAssisteens® Auxiliary membership is open to teens in grades seven through twelve. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month from September to April. Assistance League members act as advisers to these young volunteers.Assistance League MemberAssistance League members fulfill the daily obligations of running the chapter. Elected Board Members come from the voting membership and members volunteer on over 21 committees. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month except July and August. Members can schedule volunteer time to fit their schedules. |
How you help | We are an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. We have over 400 dedicated members, contributing over 41,000 hours in 2019-20 to our philanthropic programs or fundraising by working in our Thrift Shop. |
About us | Since its founding in 1976, Assistance League Las Vegas member volunteers have consistently provided quality service to the Las Vegas area. Assistance League Las Vegas is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that transforms the lives of children through philanthropic programs in the Las Vegas community. Member volunteers are dedicated to ongoing support and a long-term presence in the community through hands-on involvement and innovative philanthropic programs. |
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