Our mission | To provide a safe, supportive environment where domestic violence victims can re-examine their view of themselves and work towards a violence free future. We accept a woman as she is and encourage her positive growth toward independence and self- sufficiency. |
Advocates to End Domestic Violence (AEDV)
Ways to help | Conditional Court Ordered ServiceCourt Ordered Service is available on a conditional basis. Contact us for more details.Crisis Hotline VolunteerVolunteers are needed to help answer crisis phone calls while the AEDV office is closed. Volunteers receive 40 hours of crisis intervention training with community speakers and role playing.Sexual Assault Response Advocates (S.A.R.A.)Volunteers are needed to help with victims of sexual assault. SARA volunteers receive 40 hours of training and are on call bi-monthly for one week and are asked for a one-year commitment. |
How you help | AEDV is always looking for dedicated volunteers willing to commit to training and working with the AEDV Advocates and clients. Volunteers have provided thousands of hours of service and allowed us to assist thousands of people in crisis. |
About us | We were formed in 1979 by two formerly battered women who saw a need for a domestic violence program in Carson City, Nevada. We have grown from a small two-bedroom apartment, to a full service program that operates a 51-bed shelter and provides a wide variety of services designed to protect and support battered women and their children in the community. |
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