Everyone Can Serve!
Volunteering gives you a feeling of satisfaction, accomplishment and pride in making a difference in your community. Studies have also measured health benefits for volunteers.
For More Info on Volunteering Visit These Sites:
Health benefits of volunteering
Volunteer and Civic Life Report for the US and Nevada
Volunteering builds skills and increases your social connections
Volunteering can give you a real edge in the job market by building skills and giving you experience that looks great on a resume. Besides that it increases your social connections for both friendship and potential path to a job or career. It may even lead to a career choice in public service with an educational system, a nonprofit, or a governmental entity.
You can match your interests to a great volunteer opportunity
Your personal interests are your best guide to finding the volunteer opportunity that is right for you. Use NV Volunteer Connect to see what’s out there. Or try answering these questions:
1. How much time can you spare?
- Project-based volunteering (short-term, intensive focused project)
- Continual volunteering (on-going, regular commitment)
- Event or episodic volunteering (one-day or occasional support)
- Full year AmeriCorps service
2. What would be fun for you? Do you care about a particular issue or a problem in our community? Do you have a particular interest or hobby? Is there something you would like to learn?
- Add a keyword like ‘youth’ or ‘environment’ to your search on our website
3. Who could use your expertise or skills? What interest or skills could you like to share with others?
- Check out skills-based volunteering
- Consider virtual volunteering
4. Over 55? Connect with your local RSVP office for more opportunities or visit Encore.org
5. Do you want to learn something new?
- Our Skills Matrix provides ideas for types of skills you can learn from volunteering
6. Who needs your help?
Family volunteering can be as simple as drawing cards for children in the hospital or as complex as linking hundreds of families in a day of volunteer service. Visit the Doing Good Together website for ways to get started with family volunteering projects with resources.
Young volunteers can:
- Realize they can make a positive difference
- Build character and a sense of responsibility to community
- Gain skills and leadership experience
- Increase understanding of social and civic issues
- Increase appreciation for cultural diversity
- Be less likely to engage in at-risk behaviors and more likely to stay in school
- Meet new people and have new experiences
A youth from a family where at least one parent volunteers is almost twice as likely to volunteer as a youth with no family members who volunteer – and nearly three times as likely to volunteer on a regular basis.
Among youth who are in families where both parents and siblings volunteer:
- 86% volunteer themselves, and 47% are regular volunteers
- 64% of non-volunteers reported that no one in their family volunteers.
– “Youth Helping America,” Corporation for National and Community Service, 2005
Skills-Based and Pro Bono Volunteering
All organizations—especially those with limited resources—need people skilled in areas such as marketing, information technology, management and human resources. If you’re a professional or skilled technician, you can “give back” by putting these skills to work at a nonprofit.
Learn more about skilled volunteering and how you can make a huge difference.
Extra Benefits
One year national service positions can provide satisfaction and a small living stipend along with the option to provide an educational award to a child, grandchild, or foster child.
Watch this video to learn more about AmeriCorps.
If you’re over 55, you likely have many talents and skills—and extra time—to share as a volunteer and give back to your community.
Check out your local RSVP: Retired & Senior Volunteer Program
RSVP recruits and encourages people 55 years and older to share their unique skills, talents, and experience. From building houses to immunizing children, from enhancing the capacity of non-profit organizations to improving and protecting the environment, RSVP volunteers put their unique talents to work to make a difference. One time, ongoing, and periodic opportunities are available as well as virtual opportunities you can do from home.
Check out NV Volunteer Connect to find out which organizations are looking for a volunteer like you!
RSVP in Reno
• Visit the Reno area RSVP office at the UNR Sanford Center for Aging
• Contact: Project Director, 775-784-1807
RSVP in Las Vegas Visit the Las Vegas area RSVP office at Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, 702-387-4733
RSVP in Rural Nevada
Visit: Nevada Rural RSVP
Call 775-687-4680 to learn more.
Other volunteer opportunities for seniors
AARP and Encore are two organizations that engage thousands of seniors in meaningful service and volunteer activities.
The Senior Corps programs, administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, support local Foster Grandparents programs and Senior Companions. Contact the state office at 775-784-7474.
Stay in and help out: Virtual Volunteering
Virtual volunteering is an unpaid service provided via the Internet. Learn the myths and get the facts.
Don’t let time constraints, physical limitations, or duties at home prevent you from getting involved. Learn more about virtual volunteering.
A helpful email can make just as much difference as a helping hand, with charities such as YouthNet pioneering online advice services.
Volunteer opportunities texted to your mobile phone via Do Something.org.
Enter “virtual” in the keyword box of our volunteer matching system to see all kinds of ways to volunteer virtually.
You’re a busy student — classes, sports, maybe even a part-time job.
So why volunteer?
Because you want to help.
You will reap the most benefits from volunteering if you can honestly say you enjoy helping others or want to help solve a community problem. Beyond that, volunteering can help with post-graduation job placement and debt-forgiveness. Learn How to Become has created a guidebook for students and young professionals seeking careers in the non-profit sector with information about how volunteering can be an avenue to future employment. Check out the guidebook here!
Volunteering beefs up your resume
Volunteering can give you a real edge in the job market—especially if you’ve been in a leadership position or initiated a volunteer effort on your own. Volunteering also helps you:
- show a potential employer how you can effectively manage, meet deadlines, or do great PR work
- show initiative—volunteering while you attend school or look for a job is a big deal
- impress graduate admission officers, who are always looking for well-rounded students
Volunteering builds your social connections
You work with many different people when you volunteer, many of whom are successful or have connections. This can be a great path to a potential job, financial backing for your entrepreneurial idea, or simply sound advice. Gather your friends for a volunteer project or meet new friends with similar interests!
Volunteering can help with student loan debt
Larger organizations such as the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps offer some loan forgiveness if you meet certain qualifications.
Volunteering can be a required part of your courses. What a great way to learn! Use NV Volunteer Connect, or check with your campus office for community service or service-learning. Learn more about service-learning
Where to find student-friendly volunteer opportunities
- Nevada Volunteers lists youth friendly volunteer opportunities in your area. It’s easy, and it’s free!
- The Volunteering Resource Binder contains information from more than three dozen nonprofit organizations that need student volunteers in northwestern Nevada, including Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Incline Village, Winnemucca and Fallon.
- UNLV students can find great opportunities in southern Nevada.
- The United Way Volunteer Center lists volunteer opportunities in the Las Vegas Valley
- CSN students check here
- UNR students check here
Everyone can serve!
Since volunteer opportunities are wide-ranging, there are options for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Volunteer service connects you to skills, networks, and career paths that enhance your life. Every volunteer contributes unique abilities, knowledge, and perspectives.
Consider your interests and skills, how and when you can volunteer, and check out NV Volunteer Connect to find out which organizations are looking for a volunteer like you. There are even virtual volunteer opportunities that you can do from your home computer.
Consider AmeriCorps if you are interested in a longer and more intensive service experience. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, everyone has the right to request reasonable accommodation for disabilities involving visual, hearing, learning, mobility, and mental health.
Note: AmeriCorps service will not compromise your SSI benefits or eligibility. And, your AmeriCorps allowance will not be used to calculate your financial eligibility for any future SSI benefits after your AmeriCorps term of service is complete. The law does not extend to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), however.