1065 American Pacific Dr #160, Henderson, NV 89074
Phone (702) 564 - 7809
Visit Website Volunteer Page Our mission | Spread the Word Nevada is dedicated to advancing childhood literacy within low-income communities by changing lives one book at a time. |
Board Positions | Board MemberBoard members are the fiduciaries who steer our organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission.Board Member – Marketing/EventsThe board member responsible for marketing brings to the organization deep and broad experience in the oversight of marketing that produce immediate and direct results for our bottom line. This board member should both be able to roll up their sleeves, but also is able to see the big picture of the impact of marketing. |
Spread the Word Nevada
Ways to help | Book PreparationBook preparation events are held regularly each week. Preparing 52,000 books per month is a task that can only be accomplished with the help of dedicated volunteers. Volunteers are also needed to help scan books. |
How you help | Volunteering your support allows us to serve at-risk children in Nevada and change lives, one book at a time. |
About us | Spread the Word Nevada is a children’s litÂerÂacy nonÂprofit, 501 (C)(3) corÂpoÂraÂtion, dedÂiÂcated to advancÂing early childÂhood litÂerÂacy by placÂing books into the hands and homes of chilÂdren within SouthÂern Nevada’s at-risk, low income comÂmuÂniÂties. While develÂopÂing a love of readÂing, these libraries proÂmote future acaÂdÂeÂmic achieveÂment and self-confidence, which impacts lifeÂlong success. Since 2001, Spread the Word Nevada has disÂtribÂuted more than 4.7 milÂlion genÂtly used and new books to more than 515,000 low-income youth in SouthÂern Nevada. |
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