Forget Me Not Animal Sanctuary

2028 Wengert Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89104
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Our missionProviding an environment of care, rehabilitation and compassion to animals in need.

Forget Me Not Animal Sanctuary

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How you helpAs a non-profit organization, every role and every task is fulfilled through volunteering. The growth of Forget Me Not Animal Sanctuary depends on compassionate people like you who want to put their time and effort into creating a better quality of life for the animals of Las Vegas.
About usWe are an organization that has committed to a no-kill policy. While we focus on rescuing those that have been neglected we do pledge to put efforts into reducing high euthanasia rates due by actively supporting Trap-Neuter-Return and spaying and neutering of our rescue animals. We promote responsible pet ownership which includes microchipping and providing a low-cost microchipping service to pet owners. We are also advocates for animal rights, animal liberation and living a cruelty-free lifestyle.
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