Colors of Lupus Nevada

7200 W Cathedral Rock Dr # 110, Las Vegas, NV 89128
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Our missionTo improving the quality of life for Lupus sufferers, by providing urgently needed services, programs and support to patients, and raising awareness of the disease among medical professionals and the general public.

Colors of Lupus Nevada

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About usThe COLORS of LUPUS Nevada seeks to dispense, deliver and provide immediate physical services & support for all those afflicted with lupus. No affiliation to LFA is implied or suggested. Our goal and purpose is to serve the needs presented and required by those diagnosed or soon to be diagnosed with lupus. The COLORS of LUPUS Nevada exists through the compassion and generosity of those individuals, businesses and corporations that know of lupus and believe in our Mission. As a nonprofit entity, we are solely dependent upon voluntarism, donations, grants and fund-raising activities. Your volunteered time, dedicated support and donation are most welcome and much appreciated.
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