Is AmeriCorps Right for Your Organization?
We know that getting started with AmeriCorps funding opportunities can be challenging, so start here! Answer the following question to find out if your organization is eligible for AmeriCorps funding:
1) Is your organization a public or private nonprofit organization – including labor organizations, faith-based and other community organizations; an institution of higher education; a government entity within the State of Nevada; an Indian tribe; or a partnership or consortia?
2) Does your organization file as a 501c3, 501c4, 501c5, or 501c6 with the IRS?
3) Does your organization’s plan for utilizing AmeriCorps members address specific unmet community needs in the areas of disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and/or veterans and military families?
If you answered yes to all three of these questions then you may qualify for AmeriCorps funding! AmeriCorps state funding gives your organization the opportunity to hire AmeriCorps members to expand your program and your reach in Nevada.
State Formula grants are divided into two types, Planning and Operational, and are for organizations who will operate solely in Nevada.
Planning grants are funds that are used to support a program as they are successfully planning to host a full operational grant. During the specified six to twelve month time frame of the planning grant, funds can be used to support expenses such as:
• Staff
• Travel
• Training
Operational grants include funds that are awarded to programs to support a portion of both program administration and costs associated with hosting members. These can include costs for staffing, travel, operations, member living allowances, member benefits, and more!
Does this sounds like something you might be interested in? An overview of the AmeriCorps program can be found here in one of our webinars:
Understanding AmeriCorps & Determining Organizational Fit
The detailed description of the current Notice of Funding Opportunity can be found here:
Still have questions? Please call us for assistance in applying for AmeriCorps funding at 775-825-1900 or send us an email at