This may include hospice interdisciplinary team and complementary alternative integrative health services roles.

We are always looking for workshops that offer our students ways to expand on in-classroom learning. No matter what your skill or hobby we know our students would learn from your experience and interest.

You provide tax law assistance and guide taxpayers in preparing their own tax returns. Tax law certification is required for this volunteer role and training is available on-line or through face-to-face instruction.

You review tax returns completed by volunteer tax preparers, ensuring that every taxpayer receives top quality service and that the tax returns are error-free. You must be tax law certified at least at the Intermediate level.

You provide free language interpreter services to customers who are not fluent in English. Basic tax knowledge is helpful, but it is not required for this position.

As an Event Leader, you’ll share the talents and activities you’re most passionate about with existing or new Phoenix team members. From starting a walking event to leading a book club, you can bring The Phoenix to your community. You will have dedicated guidance every step of the way in your onboarding journey.

Photographers, computer/tech assistance, blog writers, and other skilled volunteers are welcome.

Use your professional skills and knowledge on an as-needed basis to provide much-needed skills such as reading and writing in multiple languages, graphic design, photography, and more.

Help facilitate wish experiences for non-English-speaking families. Translators may attend wish discovery visits and assist with phone calls, but they are not directly involved in planning wishes.

This team manages the annual budget, as well as coordinates spending, procurement, etc. You must have attended Nevada Boys’ State to be a staff member.

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