A career discussion allows professionals to share their story with students. Students develop ideas about how to achieve their career goals while engaging with role models.

For those interested in getting their hands in the dirt, volunteers assist with transplanting, harvesting, washing, & packing farm fresh produce. Volunteers go home with fresh produce as a thank you!

Allies make an intentional friendship with an individual/family in poverty and join them in their quest to have a support system in our community. Allies support graduate Champions as they work on their SMART goals and future stories. Allies and Champions meet in-person monthly at the Champion Alumni meetings.

Help with event development and planning. Assist with the setup, sales, decor, and more on the day of an event.

Help with minor home maintenance like changing/cleaning air filters, smoke alarm batteries, light bulbs, etc. Pick-up and deliver medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, motorized scooters, crutches, etc. Provide transportation to limited locations. Sanitize and test medical equipment.

Support KTMB by volunteering at one of our events!

Open to wish alumni and their families, represent Make-A-Wish at a number of external outreach and fundraising events to share your wish experience.

Assist with various projects at our chapter offices, including phone calls, mailings and research.

Fulfill various volunteer roles at special events throughout the year.

Vitalant’s donation centers and blood drives have a refreshment area, also called a canteen. Volunteers manage the area, monitoring donor safety by making sure each donor stays for 15 minutes and enjoys a snack and drink to help replace lost fluids. Most importantly, volunteers make our donors feel appreciated by thanking them for transforming patients’…