Thanks Mom!
“Thanks Mom!” is a common phrase yelled as kids run out of the front door of the house or jump out of the carpool mini-van to their sports practice, but how many times do we really take the time to thank our mothers for their love and support? With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, we at Nevada Volunteers wanted to take a moment to thank mothers for their 24/7 support, constant unconditional love, and for being the little voice in the back of our heads when we know we should be doing something differently.
Mothers are incredible, balancing the needs of children and life from jobs to carpool to sporting events, and even volunteering. We aren’t the only ones that think so either…
According to the Volunteering and Civic Life in America Report, in 2011, nearly 4 out every 10 working mother volunteered! If some of the busiest Americans can find the time to give back, we think that the rest of us Americans can find the time too. Not only are working mothers key to parent volunteerism (Dads, we aren’t counting you out!), but they are among the new volunteer epidemic of supporting youth organizations through fundraising, food services for those less fortunate, mentoring, tutoring and teaching. So much support that over 40% of the time parents spend volunteering, is spent volunteering in an educational or supportive organization. Absolutely amazing!
So this Mother’s Day, while a bouquet of flowers might be nice, why don’t you spend some quality time with your mom volunteering for her favorite cause? We’re pretty sure she’d appreciate that more. To find a volunteer opportunity near you, visit
And, above all, give a heartfelt thank you to your mother for her constant juggling act and support at the same time!