Thank You Teachers!
On this Teacher’s Appreciation Day, all of us at Nevada Volunteers would like to thank the teachers that made a difference and impacted our lives, as well as those that continue to lead our future generations to a brighter future. We acknowledge the uphill battle that today’s educators face, and for that it is our honor to oversee AmeriCorps programs that foster a passion of learning and an environment to learn, and do our part in helping today’s teachers as well as encouraging others to help too.
Last year in Nevada, AmeriCorps members made significant strides in serving the education world:
- Provided case management/academic support to 286 students and families
- 80% of those students showed improved attendance
- Educated 651 teen parents through the Infinite Campus software and provided them with local resources
- Educated 429 students/youth in energy-efficient and environmentally conscious practices
- Presented higher education option to 8,365 high school students through
- Offered after-school education programs, in which 1,160 students completed the program
- Provided early intervention services to 36 at-risk pre-kindergarten children
- 100% improvement in reading readiness
- 90% increase in parental involvement
- Facilitated 219 GED pre-testing courses for 447 unduplicated participants
- Encouraged and prepared 500 undergraduate underrepresented students to pursue doctoral studies
- Tutored 16-22 club members daily completing 106 educational activities with an average of one educational activity completed per student
- 7,720 students received in-class tutoring, FAFSA tutoring, and mentoring
While Nevada Volunteers prides ourselves on the successes of the Nevada AmeriCorps programs, we are also extremely proud and inspired by Nevada’s volunteers and their service to the education system.
“I volunteer at Nancy Gomes Elementary School with the Read and Succeed Program. I help Mrs. Morian’s first graders learn to read. Reading is probably the hardest thing kids have to learn when they start school. Some kids just learn it naturally and for others it is a struggle. When we work one on one with them most pick it up and start to read and comprehend what they are reading. The kids are so thankful and such a joy to work with I go away with such a great feeling to have helped a child learn to read and open new doors for them”. — Eileen Way, Washoe County School District Volunteer
“At age 65, I’ve finally found my calling.” This is the joy that RSVP volunteer Steve Burns has discovered through his work as an algebra tutor with students at Vaughn Middle School. Steve had a rewarding career as a computer systems analyst with Boeing, but has found perhaps even greater satisfaction in seeing students achieve beyond expectation through his tutoring. Students’ pass rate on the “Credit by Exam” skyrocketed from 23% to 70%. Steve loves tutoring so much he’s there five days a week for five class periods!
“I work with second graders as a Read and Succeed Volunteer and, more than anything, what makes my volunteering so satisfying is their genuine enthusiasm when I enter their classrooms and their unconditional candor.” – Carolann Hayes, Washoe County School District Volunteer
Not to mention the impact that they make on students and teachers…
“Thank you most to the volunteers who give of their time. We have plenty of crayons and supplies. What our kids really need is an extra someone who gives of their time to build a relationship with a child. An extra adult to trust and emulate is priceless. Thank you to those who come into our schools and light up a child by being there.” — Heidi Gavrilles, teacher
If you are looking for a rewarding volunteer experience, Nevada Volunteers recommends serving in our State’s education system. Find volunteer opportunities in your area at