Thank you for the “E” in AMERICORPS!
A huge thank you goes out to the Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation for their generous donation of $100! This gave us the “E” in AMERICORPS! For every $100 in donations, we are able to add one more letter. To date, the “Amass for AmeriCorps” program has raised $1,300 for Nevada’s AmeriCorps programs!
Words cannot express how grateful we are to each of you for your contributions.
Our next fundraising goal is “R.” “R” is for receive – without our Nevada AmeriCorps programs, our Nevada communities would not receive help in core areas such as education, human needs, environment or public safety.
The end of the year is quickly approaching. The last day to give to the “Amass for AmeriCorps” is December 31st at 11:59pm. We know that we can spell AMERICORPS one more time and $10 from 10 friends will get us closer to that goal. Plus your end-of-the-year donation will earn you a tax deduction!
For more information on the 2010 achievements from our AmeriCorps programs, click here.
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