Roadpost #9: The 2010 Nevada National Service Awards Recipients
Every year, Nevada Volunteers, the state commission on national and community service, honors outstanding National Service volunteers in Nevada. These awards are given in observance of National AmeriCorps Week, which runs May 8th to 15th this year. All of these award winners are great examples of the promise of National Service programs. “We are very proud of them all,” said Shawn Lecker-Pomaville, CEO of Nevada Volunteers. “Their service makes Nevada a better place for all of us.” Nevada Volunteers is pleased to announce the following winners and share a little of their story:
1) 2010 AmeriCorps Member of the Year: Dannyn Smith , Nevada Conservation Corps, from Sparks, Nevada
2) 2010 AmeriCorps VISTA of the Year: Natalie Minev, Volunteer Center of Southern Nevada, from Las Vegas, Nevada
3) 2010 AmeriCorps Program Director of the Year: Michelle Redmond, United Way of Southern Nevada AmeriCorps Program, from Las Vegas, Nevada
4) 2010 Learn and Serve Participant of the Year: Marilou Tognarelli, Teacher, Elko County School District, from Carlin, Nevada.
5) 2010 Senior Corps Participant of the Year: Linda Haigh, RSVP, Sanford Center for Aging, University of Nevada, Reno, from Reno, Nevada
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