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Join us for a food drive kick off!
On Saturday January 16, 2021 at 12:00 pm we will kick off a community food drive with a car caravan that will travel through the Las Vegas strip. Meetup location will be sent upon registration. The first 50 cars will receive Biden-Harris gift bags. We will be accepting food donations between Saturday, January 16 – Wednesday, January 18 to then donate to a local community food bank.
Upon singing up you will receive drop-off location instructions! Please remember to wear a mask.
¡Únase a nosotros para comenzar una colecta de alimentos!
El Sábado 16 de Enero de 2021 a las 12:00 PM. Daremos inicio a una colecta de comida comunitaria con una caravana de automóviles que viajará por el strip de Las Vegas. La ubicación de la reunión se enviará al registrarse. Los primeros 50 autos recibirán bolsas de regalo de Biden-Harris. Aceptaremos donaciones de alimentos entre el Sábado 16 de Enero y el Miércoles 18 de Enero para luego donar a un banco de alimentos de la comunidad local.
¡Al registrarse, recibirá instrucciones sobre el lugar de entrega! Recuerde usar una máscara.
Notes from the organizer: All events hosted in partnership with the PIC on the National Day of Service must comply with the following guidelines as well as the most up-to-date CDC and local health and safety guidance. Those guidelines could include indoor and outdoor gathering and capacity limits, social distancing, and travel restrictions. More guidance from the CDC can be found here (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html) - Masks are required for all participants at all times, including while participating in outdoor activities. - Refrain from eating or drinking as much as possible. When you do, please ensure that everyone is at least 15 feet away from anyone else. - Participants must maintain six (6) to ten (10) feet of separation from other people at all times. - Participants should wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the restroom or touching high touch surfaces. - If participants feel symptomatic or display any symptoms, please refrain from attending the event. If you have any questions or requests please email serve@bideninaugural.org.
Have accessibility questions? Reply to your registration email to confirm your requirements or request more information.