MLK Day of Service, Pandemic Style (Neighborhood Cleanup)

About this event
MLK Day has always been about service and this year shouldn’t be any different. Just because we are in the middle of a pandemic doesn’t mean we can’t give back to our community.
The concept is simple, pandemic safe, and can be done anywhere in the world. Grab a trash bag or two, your mask, some gloves if you like, and a garbage grabber tool if you have one (you can buy one on Amazon) and head out your front door to spend some time picking up trash in any area you choose. I have definitely noticed more litter outside since the pandemic started, so I know I can easily stay busy filling up garbage bags in southwest Las Vegas.
Be sure to take a photo or two during or after and post your photo to social media, letting us know what part of town you were in and how many bags you filled up. Let’s demonstrate the difference that we can make in cleaning up our communities. Please use the hashtag: “#LitterFree”
Above all, please be safe out there.
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