Our mission | To be a statewide voice advocating for the prevention and elimination of domestic and sexual violence through partnering with communities. |
Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence
How you help | Attend local events, support your community’s domestic and sexual violence advocacy organizations, become a volunteer, send letters or emails to your local media; support efforts to end domestic and sexual violence in whatever ways you see possible. |
About us | NCEDSV is a private nonprofit 501(C)(3) corporation. We were founded in 1980 by the then five existing domestic violence program directors to help Nevada’s communities respond effectively and creatively to the needs of domestic violence victims. Since its inception, NCEDSV has assisted in the growth and development of domestic violence programs throughout Nevada. In addition to assisting in the establishment of domestic violence advocacy and response programs in areas lacking services, NCEDSV has worked to improve existing domestic violence resources statewide. |
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