Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet (GSCC)

540 Greenbrae Dr, Sparks, NV 89431
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Our missionOur supporters secure funding and clothing donations that enable us to carry out our vision to ensure no one goes without adequate clothing.

Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet (GSCC)

0 Reviews
Ways to help

Court Ordered Service

Court Ordered Service is available. Contact us for more details.
  • 16-18, Adults (18+)
  • One-time, Recurring
  • None, On-site
  • Individuals
  • In-person

Hang clothing

Come help organize and hang clothes from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm on weekdays.
  • Weekly
  • Teens, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Groups (10+), Corporate Teams, Families
  • Indoor
  • None
  • Weekdays
Items we need

Donations needed

The number one thing on most peoples minds right now is the Coronavirus.  It is a very present reality that can not be ignored.  Most businesses are closed.  But being closed to the public does not mean that work does not still go on.  At Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet we are working toward the time when we will reopen.Almost all of our financial obligations are fixed expenses which still need to be met.  As you know we use volunteers so we have a staff of only two people.We are preparing to get back to giving away free clothes when we are once again able to do so safely and responsibly.  We anticipate that many people, especially families with children, will be struggling financially.  To keep going we need monetary donations now to be ready to help.  Keep in mind that we give away clothes at no charge to the recipient.    We depend on your generosity.We have plenty of clothes and are confident that the volunteers will come back.  Meanwhile we need money to keep functioning while we work toward what it takes to once again serve those in need in the Reno-sparks community.Please consider a cash donation to Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet.  You can do so on our web site or by sending a check toGood Shepherd’s Clothes Closet335 Record StreetReno, NV 89512Thank youChris RhodesExecutive Director
    Learn More
    About usThe Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet is a community based, non-profit organization that was founded in 1995 by a group of caring citizens who felt that the homeless, especially homeless men in the Reno area, needed a source of good free clothing. Lillian and Fred Howe, Junius Thomsom and other volunteers dreamed up the Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet. With the help of the Lion’s club and a $1000 donation from Covenant Presbyterian Church they opened the Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet.
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