Our mission | Creating a free and fair world for all beings. |
CompassionWorks International
Ways to help | Rodeo FactsWhat you'll do: participate in a peaceful rally to help educate people on animal rights issues. Protest the rodeo when it comes to your city or town. For more information on how to hold a protest, visit our protesting guide at https://www.cwint.org/rodeofacts/protesting-the-rodeo.Circus ProtestWhat you'll do: participate in a peaceful rally to help educate people on animal rights issues. We highly encourage the use of peaceful, educational, lawful demonstrations as a primary means for getting the word out about circus cruelty. We feel so strongly about this that we have dedicated an entire website, www.circusprotest.com to help you mount successful circus protests!Worldwide Rally Against Trophy HuntingWhat you'll do: participate in a peaceful rally to help educate people for animal rights issues. All WRATH events are expected to be peaceful, educational, and focused on spreading awareness about the travesty of trophy hunting.Marine Mammal CaptivityWhat you'll do: participate in a peaceful rally to help educate people for animal rights issues. If you live in the area of a SeaWorld park, start or attend a protest. You can find protest listings by searching on Facebook. |
How you help | You can make a difference for animals in your community by starting a protest, leading a vegan advocacy group, or even by assisting CWI on a national level. |
About us | At CompassionWorks International, we believe in kindness, respect, unity, dialogue, community, commitment, strategic action, one world for all beings, neighbors talking to neighbors, and friends sharing with friends. And, like you, we envision a day when all animals are able to live their lives free from harm and suffering. But change for animals will not happen unassisted. The animals held captive by the entertainment industry, used for medical testing, and slaughtered for their fur, skins, and flesh need our collective voice. They are counting on us to speak loudly, clearly, and effectively on their behalf to let the world know that they are sentient beings with families, feelings, and a right to freedom. At CWI, we provide the assistance needed to bring hope to animals. We believe that by implementing professional, strategic actions within our communities, every one of us can be a beacon of light that spreads awareness about the pain and suffering that occurs inside the tanks, under the big tops, at the hands of trophy hunters, and behind the shuttered doors of factory farms and medical testing facilities. |
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