Green Economy: Does it include you?
Today is World Environment Day, established in 1973 by the United Nations Environment Programme. This year’s theme is “Green Economy: Does it include you?”
As the Nevada governor’s Commission on Service, we can say loud and clear that “yes, it does include us.” As as matter of fact, it includes three out of six of the AmeriCorps*State programs in Nevada that have an environmental component to their programs.
Only halfway through the current grant year, AmeriCorps members have impacted Nevada’s green economy in the following ways:
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation
- cleaning, improving, and/or creating 9.62 miles of trail or rivers
- collecting and recycling 206.08 tons of materials
Great Basin Institute
- restoring and improving 1131.88 acres of public land and waterways
- building and maintaining 51.71 miles of trails
- educating 475 youth on environmental issues
Nevada Outdoor School
- giving 361 lessons on environmental stewardship to 6646 students
After completing their term of service, each AmeriCorps member receive an educational award to use in a higher education capacity, like pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree. While in service, members receive a monthly stipend on average $1,000 per month, a small subsidy compared to the amount of impact they have on their communities.
Nevada Volunteers is proud of the service that AmeriCorps members make on a daily basis in an environmental capacity of our communities. Watch this video of the Executive Director of Tahoe Rim Trails Association speak about the impact that the AmeriCorps members that serve through her organization are making in the community.