Amass for AmeriCorps!
Amass For AmeriCorps!
This holiday season, Nevada Volunteers is launching “Amass for AmeriCorps” to share inspirational stories of AmeriCorps members and their service we are so thankful for.
Meet Melanie Christiansen, AmeriCorps member with the United Way of Southern Nevada. Melanie spent the last twelve months as the Homeless Outreach Coordinator at Central Christian Church in Henderson, Nevada.
“Deep in my heart I know that serving homeless people has become my passion. I’ve forged strong and supportive relationships with men, women and children who have lost their homes. Through AmeriCorps, I have witnessed a little bit of my city change for the better. I’ve witnessed homeless people begin to put their lives back together. I’ve witnessed myself learn compassion. AmeriCorps has changed my life.”
We at Nevada Volunteers are thankful for AmeriCorps members like Melanie, who have learned that giving to others also enriches ourselves. From Nevada Volunteers, a big thank you to the 341 AmeriCorps members like Melanie serving the Silver State!